Tuesday, October 20, 2009

early morning beach run

I'm trying to get in the habit of running as often as allowable on Noordhoek beach. It only happens when there aren't really waves as is the case at the moment. True, there were a few guys out last night, but it was small windy, and the banks had soft shoulders. It would be good for long-boarding, if you could manage the gusty south-easter.

Anyway, this morning, with even less waves I was down there again. At 6:20 I was surprised to see so many cars in the parking lot. Then may eyes fell on a navy and white split screen kombi, clearly here for a photo shoot. So, I parked and got chatting to the owner. It was a '59 with all the original fittings. So beautiful.

There were also clothing racks coming out of vans and a few colourful shortboards lying around. I went to inspect. They were all quite small and definitely selected for their sprays. Anyway, I liked the way things were going: a beach, my dream car, boards...it was looking like a good vibe.

'So what's the shoot for?' I asked one of the crew.

'Tommy Hilfiger Kids.' came the answer.

Shattered. My worst brand. One that promotes the American ideal with a cultural chauvinism like none other. And here they were - at the beach, with my dream car, and the sport which surely still rebels against the norm? And for kids, too! Get them young, I suppose

'Oh', I said, then quickly finished my stretching and ran away. Yah, I was running away.

I didn't have to run very far. Down next to the ocean, weaving around the shorey as it spilled up the shore and scanning for potential peaks off to the side, I could put that behind me and enjoy the day's early elements.

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