Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Jersey

Here's a pic of a beachy going unridden on America's East Coast. Yes, it's a bit over-shopped, but whatever.  You've all enjoyed a little bit of airbrushed skin from time to time.  So what. 

It looks pretty sick, but I reckon there's a crew of guys sitting behind the peak there and this one slid past unridden for some reason.  That's why it's here on an unridden wednesday. 

My wednesday looks like it may be going unridden this week.  Last week a nice swell pushed through and we drove around before surfing a spot that was either a death slab or a bit further down, a shoulder too soft to paddle onto.  so, we chose life and scratched furiously before doing the paddle-in of shame.  This wednesday were viewing the swell with more scepticism and are sending some guinea pigs out ahead before we burn precious fuel and waste more time.

And no, I'm not going to acknowledge the exitstence of a certain reality show set in the coastal vicinity.

Via Magic Seaweed

*I actually wrote most of this yesterday and was going to put it up before realising that it was still tuesday.  It's ok, 2 weeks ago, I thought it was already June.


  1. Before you decide Fischer is cool.. go watch Shark MEN (the Nat Geo show that WASNT renewed) it shows animal cruelty in a most sensational light.. & now Fischer is using “conservation” for marketing Shark Wranglers? (is that because we have been at him for so long?) The marketing for SHARK WRANGLERS (History channel) has changed over the past few weeks from “guys risking life and limb" ..with.. "dangerous creatures”.. to “we want to save the sharks”.. Fischer/Ocearch do nothing for conservation (although I think he may now.. and maybe that’s a good thing from all our pressure?) JUST LOVE THIS BS (he tells us/those opposed to him hunting protected/endangered Great Whites, exhausting them, landing them (which is NOT needed for valuable data) to "grow up".. just wow!?!?!?): - AL: "Admittedly, I’ve hardly seen Sharkmen, so I’m not familiar with it, but a lot of people accuse the ‘gung-ho’ aspect of the programme. I’m sure it makes for better TV, but you don’t think it maybe distracts from your message?" - CF: "For the most part, to those people, I say: grow up. I’m funding 2.7 million dollars’ worth of research. If you want to write me cheque worth that and I don’t need to make a show, I’ll handle it and not make a show".
    Chris, grow up.. no, wake up! because we will continue to petition against HISTORY channel to CANCEL "Shark Wranglers” just like Nat Geo cancelled "Shark Men" (cos it was horrible)

  2. something went wrong, as i posted the above comment in response to your "interview with Chris Fischer of Ocearch (Shark Wranglers) ..?
