Friday, December 9, 2011

Gratuitous gallery of girls duckdiving from below

It's Friday Folks.   And the beers do beckon.  So, because I'm feeling lazy, and generous, here's a gallery featuring girls duck diving.  Enjoy.

Clear water, bikinis, athletic figures, flowing hair, water-proof cameras - they just all come together.

As a side point - google images for any surf theme see what comes up.  99% males come up.  Now search duckdive.  Yep, Google seems to dig it too.  Why are girls at their best beneath the waves?  Who cares, it's just awesome.

And if you think i'm pervy, wait till you see the GGoGDFA.  That's the Gratuitous gallery of girls duckdiving from above.

And I know i'm being lazy and not crediting the photos - but if you just do the googling you'll find them all there.  And guys - love your work.

Normal coverage and professionalism to resume Monday.

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