Thursday, November 3, 2011

Being Mocked by Shaun Joubert

Sometimes you just have to admit being beaten.  Here's Shaun Joubert's blog.  Having a brief look at it, it's pretty plain to see that he does most things better than me.  He surfs better than me.  Takes better photos than me.  Travels better than me.  Blogs better than me.  (Sigh)

Hacks better than me...
I first became aware of Shaun about 4 years ago in Bali while watching Occy's Grom Comp.  He was pretty good back then, but now, he's a household name and one of our rising stars.  Keep an eye on him.  Good things to come from this guy.

Here's a pic of J-Bay taken by Shaun. I originally meant meant for J-Bay subject of this post.  Then I got distracted.  Now I feel inferior.  Damn you, interweb.  Crush my ego like that...

A new take on an old subject.  Pretty sweet shot from a guy whose job it is to be on the pixels, not creating them.
Do yourself a favour and hit the link above.  Then, carry on being awesome to yourself and carry on hitting his links (note: marinelayerproductions in there.  See...I'm not the only one)

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