Monday, November 28, 2011

When you're just too late...

When all the bravery and commitment just don't make the slightest difference.  If you're not on it - it's on you:

Unidentified, in a moment he'd probably like to forget, but never will
 I'd actually love to know what happens next.  He could either punch into the trough and go very deep, which would be good.  He'd get a solid working, but most of the energy would be above him.  Or he could get sucked up and come back down for another grinding.  Given his complete lack of control in the dive, his wetsuit for a bit of added bouyancy, and size of the wave, I reckon the 2nd option is more likely.  Oh, the tears.

Via Word of Life Worship Centre, which seems appropriate, seeing as our guy here is about to experience the wrath of God.

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