Thursday, October 27, 2011


It's almost christmas!  I'm not really one for christmas cheer.  I've never really seen the point in the Southern Hemisphere when it's high summer.  Ditto for Valentine's day.  In the North - ja, sure - get things deccled up i'm your gloomy climate.  But round here - i'd rather have a salad, a fish braai and wash it down with something frosty.  After having spent the day at the beach.

And as much as christmas is supposed to be all about giving, it's really all about selling.  That's why the global marketing juggernaut swings into overdrive and convinces you to want stuff.  Stuff like GoPros.

I can count at least 4 different things that I want in this picture

I want one... a GoPro, I mean.  The thing about videoing or taking pics of yourself is it isn't so much narcissictic as it is educational.  You get to watch yourself surf, and generally, if not universally, it's a humbling experience.  You get to see how shit you are.  Your swak style, your lame turns, etc.  And you should be hard on yourself, too.  If you look at yourself and think: 'yeah, I'm pretty rad", well, I'll tell you now: you're not.

A GoPro may seem like an expensive accessory, but it can really help your surfing.  It's probably a better investment than a new board.  Or this year's newest suit.  If you're still not convinced, try this video on for size.  And check out

Mmm...the froth wants...

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